Press release | Medici per i Diritti Umani | Page 5

Press release


“Unfair Land”, a report on working and living conditions of foreign agricultural workers, was released in April 2015. The report was produced by MEDU – Medici per i Diritti Umani (Doctors for human rights) in collaboration with the Association for Judicial Studies on Immigration (Asgi) and the Laboratory of Theory...
Document type: Press releases

CARA of Mineo: a reception model incompatible with personal dignity

Rome, June 11 th 2015 – Medici per i Diritti Umani -MEDU- (Doctors for Human Rights) releases the report on the CARA of Mineo reception center for asylum seekers) which was submitted on May the 25th to the Italian Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on Detention and Reception Conditions of migrants....
Document type: Press releases

Reception of seasonal workers. Rosarno and the Gioia Tauro Plateau (Piana di Gioia Tauro) are left alone

The living, working and sanitary conditions of the several thousand migrants who arrive at the Piana di Gioia Tauro every year to harvest citrus fruits are consistently appalling (see VIDEO, see PHOTOS). In one month, 150 agricultural workers have been assisted by the mobile clinic of MEDU. They are mainly...
Document type: Press releases
Foto di copertina del rapporto Arcipelago CIE. Cie di Bari

Italian Centres for Identification and Expulsion: National Data for 2013. Even more useless and distressing structures.

Rome, 25 February 2014 – Medici per i Diritti Umani (MEDU) makes public national data on the Centres for Identification and Expulsion (CIE) for the year 2013. According to the State Police, overall in 2013, 6.016 migrants (5.431 men and 585 women) have been detained in Italian CIEs. Less than...
Document type: Press releases

UNSAFE HARBOURS. Report on the readmissions to Greece from Italian ports and the violations of the migrants’ basic human rights

Photo: Kami Fares Over a hundred accounts collected from migrants, both adult and underage, detailing their experiences of summary readmission from Italy to Greece. Italy does not safeguard the basic human rights of the migrants, especially asylum seekers and unaccompanied minors. Rome, November 28th 2013 – Medici per i Diritti...
Document type: Press releases

The CIE Archipelago – Inquiry into the Italian Centres for Identification and Expulsion

Do the Italian Centres for Identification and Expulsion (CIEs) truly demonstrate respect for the dignity and basic human rights of the migrants detained within them? Fifteen years from its creation, what is the true effectiveness of the administrative detention system in combating irregular immigration? Do other, less harsh tools to...
Document type: Press releases


Report on the identification and deportation centre of Ponte Galeria in Rome “They call us guests. However we are guests who are not allowed to have a comb, a book or a pen to write”. Alì, detainee in Ponte Galeria Centre Do the identification and deportation centres for immigrants without...